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क्या आप एक रोमांचक और सुरक्षित ऑनलाइन जुआ अनुभव की तलाश में हैं? बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो आपके लिए सही जगह है! हम आपको क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के माध्यम से बॅकारा खेलने का एक अनोखा अवसर प्रदान करते हैं, जो पारंपरिक ऑनलाइन कैसीनो के सीमाओं को तोड़ता है।

हमारी वेबसाइट पर, आप बिटकॉइन का उपयोग करके बॅकारा खेल सकते हैं, जो आपको तेज़ लेनदेन, कम शुल्क और बढ़ी हुई गोपनीयता का आनंद लेने की अनुमति देता है। चाहे आप एक अनुभवी खिलाड़ी हों या बॅकारा के साथ नए हों, हमारे उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल प्लेटफ़ॉर्म और विस्तृत गाइड आपको खेल में आसानी से नेविगेट करने में मदद करेंगे।

इस लेख में, हम बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे, जिसमें इसके लाभ, खेलने के तरीके, सुरक्षा उपाय और बहुत कुछ शामिल हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो: भारत में ऑनलाइन गेमिंग का भविष्य

ऑनलाइन गेमिंग भारत में तेजी से लोकप्रिय हो रही है, और क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के उदय ने इस क्षेत्र में क्रांति ला दी है। बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो, एक अग्रणी प्लेटफॉर्म, भारतीय खिलाड़ियों को एक सुरक्षित, पारदर्शी और रोमांचक गेमिंग अनुभव प्रदान करता है। इस लेख में, हम बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो की विशेषताओं, लाभों और भारत में ऑनलाइन गेमिंग के भविष्य पर चर्चा करेंगे।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो में, खिलाड़ी बिटकॉइन जैसे क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का उपयोग करके जमा और निकासी कर सकते हैं। यह पारंपरिक भुगतान विधियों की तुलना में तेज़, सस्ता और अधिक सुरक्षित विकल्प प्रदान करता है। इसके अलावा, बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो में एक विस्तृत चयन के साथ-साथ बोनस और प्रमोशन भी हैं जो खिलाड़ियों को और अधिक मूल्य प्रदान करते हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो: प्रमुख विशेषताएं

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो कई आकर्षक विशेषताओं के साथ आता है जो इसे भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के लिए एक आदर्श प्लेटफॉर्म बनाते हैं:

  • सुरक्षित और विश्वसनीय: बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो में उन्नत सुरक्षा उपाय हैं जो खिलाड़ियों के धन और डेटा की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करते हैं।
  • तेज़ और आसान लेनदेन: बिटकॉइन का उपयोग करके जमा और निकासी तेज और कुशल होती हैं।
  • व्यापक गेम चयन: बॅकारा के विभिन्न प्रकारों के साथ-साथ अन्य लोकप्रिय कैसीनो गेम भी उपलब्ध हैं।
  • आकर्षक बोनस और प्रमोशन: नए और मौजूदा खिलाड़ियों के लिए आकर्षक बोनस और प्रमोशन प्रदान किए जाते हैं।
  • 24/7 ग्राहक सहायता: खिलाड़ियों को किसी भी समय सहायता के लिए एक समर्पित ग्राहक सहायता टीम उपलब्ध है।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो भारत में ऑनलाइन गेमिंग के भविष्य का एक उदाहरण है। क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का उपयोग करके, यह प्लेटफॉर्म खिलाड़ियों को एक सुरक्षित, पारदर्शी और अधिक सुलभ गेमिंग अनुभव प्रदान करता है। जैसे-जैसे क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का उपयोग बढ़ता जाता है, हम भविष्य में बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो जैसे प्लेटफॉर्म की और भी अधिक लोकप्रियता देखने की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा: एक नया गेमिंग अनुभव

ऑनलाइन जुआ दुनिया लगातार विकसित हो रही है, और क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के उदय ने इस क्षेत्र में क्रांति ला दी है। बिटकॉइन, सबसे लोकप्रिय क्रिप्टोकरेंसी में से एक, ने ऑनलाइन कैसीनो में एक नया आयाम जोड़ा है, जिससे खिलाड़ियों को सुरक्षित, पारदर्शी और तेज़ लेनदेन का आनंद लेने का अवसर मिला है। बिटकॉइन बॅकारा इस क्रांति का एक उत्कृष्ट उदाहरण है, जो पारंपरिक बॅकारा के रोमांच को डिजिटल दुनिया में लाता है।

इस लेख में, हम बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के बारे में गहराई से जानेंगे, इसके लाभों, कार्यप्रणाली और इसे खेलने के लिए आवश्यक कदमों का पता लगाएंगे। चाहे आप एक अनुभवी जुआरी हों या बिटकॉइन और ऑनलाइन गेमिंग की दुनिया में नए हों, यह लेख आपको बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के रोमांचक संसार में मार्गदर्शन करेगा।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा क्या है?

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा एक लोकप्रिय कार्ड गेम है जो बिटकॉइन जैसी क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का उपयोग करके खेला जाता है। यह पारंपरिक बॅकारा के नियमों का पालन करता है, जिसमें खिलाड़ी बैंकर, प्लेयर या टाई पर दांव लगाते हैं। खेल का उद्देश्य 9 के करीब कार्डों का कुल मूल्य प्राप्त करना है।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा में, बाजी लगाने और जीत प्राप्त करने के लिए बिटकॉइन का उपयोग किया जाता है। यह पारंपरिक ऑनलाइन कैसीनो में उपयोग किए जाने वाले फिएट मुद्राओं के विपरीत है। बिटकॉइन लेनदेन सुरक्षित, तेज़ और पारदर्शी होते हैं, जो खिलाड़ियों को एक बेहतर गेमिंग अनुभव प्रदान करते हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के लाभ

  • सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक द्वारा सुरक्षित किए जाते हैं, जो उन्हें हेरफेर या धोखाधड़ी से बचाता है।
  • तेज़ लेनदेन: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन पारंपरिक बैंकिंग विधियों की तुलना में बहुत तेज़ होते हैं।
  • कम शुल्क: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन में पारंपरिक भुगतान प्रणालियों की तुलना में कम शुल्क लगता है।
  • पारदर्शिता: सभी बिटकॉइन लेनदेन सार्वजनिक रूप से ब्लॉकचेन पर दर्ज किए जाते हैं, जिससे पारदर्शिता सुनिश्चित होती है।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसे खेलें?

  1. एक प्रतिष्ठित बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो चुनें।
  2. एक खाता बनाएं और अपने बिटकॉइन वॉलेट से फंड जमा करें।
  3. बॅकारा टेबल चुनें और अपनी दांव राशि चुनें।
  4. बैंकर, प्लेयर या टाई पर दांव लगाएं।
  5. कार्डों का वितरण किया जाएगा और विजेता का निर्धारण किया जाएगा।
  6. अपनी जीत निकालें।

भारत में बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो

क्या आप बिटकॉइन के साथ ऑनलाइन जुआ खेलना चाहते हैं? भारत में बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो एक लोकप्रिय विकल्प बन रहा है। यह सुरक्षित, सुविधाजनक और पारंपरिक कैसीनो की तुलना में अधिक गोपनीयता प्रदान करता है। इस लेख में, हम भारत में बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे, जिसमें शीर्ष कैसीनो, बोनस और सुरक्षा सुविधाएँ शामिल हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो में, आप बिटकॉइन का उपयोग करके बेट लगा सकते हैं, जमा कर सकते हैं और निकासी कर सकते हैं। यह पारंपरिक मुद्राओं का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता को समाप्त करता है और लेनदेन को तेज और सस्ता बनाता है। साथ ही, बिटकॉइन लेनदेन का कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं रखा जाता है, जो खिलाड़ियों को अधिक गोपनीयता प्रदान करता है।

भारत में शीर्ष बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो

भारत में कई बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो उपलब्ध हैं, लेकिन सभी समान नहीं होते हैं। यहाँ कुछ शीर्ष विकल्प दिए गए हैं:

  • lucky block crypto casino: यह कैसीनो अपने व्यापक गेम चयन, आकर्षक बोनस और उत्कृष्ट ग्राहक सेवा के लिए जाना जाता है।
  • lucky block casino: यह कैसीनो अपनी सुरक्षा सुविधाओं, तेज़ निकासी और उपयोग में आसानी के लिए लोकप्रिय है।

इन कैसीनो का चयन करते समय, गेम चयन, बोनस, भुगतान विधियाँ और ग्राहक सेवा जैसे कारकों पर विचार करना महत्वपूर्ण है।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा बोनस

भारत में कई बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो नए खिलाड़ियों को आकर्षक बोनस प्रदान करते हैं। इन बोनस में शामिल हो सकते हैं:

  • स्वागत बोनस: नए खिलाड़ियों को उनके पहले जमा पर एक प्रतिशत मिलता है।
  • नियमित बोनस: नियमित खिलाड़ियों को उनके जमा पर बोनस मिलते हैं।
  • कैशबैक बोनस: खिलाड़ियों को उनकी हार पर कुछ प्रतिशत वापस मिलता है।

बोनस का उपयोग करने से पहले शर्तों और शर्तों को ध्यान से पढ़ें।

सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता

सुनिश्चित करें कि आप जिस बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो का चयन करते हैं वह सुरक्षित और विश्वसनीय है। विश्वसनीय कैसीनो में निम्नलिखित सुरक्षा सुविधाएँ होती हैं:

  • SSL एन्क्रिप्शन: यह खिलाड़ियों के डेटा को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।
  • दो-कारक प्रमाणीकरण: यह खाते तक अनधिकृत पहुंच को रोकने में मदद करता है।
  • नियमित ऑडिट: यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि खेल निष्पक्ष और यादृच्छिक हैं।

अपनी गोपनीयता की रक्षा के लिए, एक ऐसा कैसीनो चुनें जो बिटकॉइन लेनदेन के लिए गोपनीयता प्रदान करता है।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा खेलने के लिए गाइड

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा एक रोमांचक और लोकप्रिय कैसीनो गेम है जो क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के बढ़ते उपयोग के साथ तेजी से लोकप्रिय हो रहा है। यह पारंपरिक बॅकारा के समान है, लेकिन बिटकॉइन का उपयोग दांव लगाने के लिए किया जाता है। इस गाइड में, हम बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के बारे में सब कुछ जानेंगे, जिसमें इसके नियम, रणनीतियाँ और सर्वश्रेष्ठ बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो शामिल हैं।

चाहे आप बिटकॉइन बॅकारा में नए हों या अनुभवी खिलाड़ी हों, यह गाइड आपको इस रोमांचक गेम में सफल होने में मदद करेगा। हम बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के लाभों, जोखिमों और महत्वपूर्ण बातों पर चर्चा करेंगे ताकि आप सूचित निर्णय ले सकें।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसे खेलें

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा खेलना सीखना आसान है। खेल का उद्देश्य बैंकर या प्लेयर के हाथ में 9 के करीब कार्ड का कुल मूल्य प्राप्त करना है। कार्डों का मूल्य इस प्रकार है:

  • एस = 1
  • 2 से 9 = उनके चेहरे का मूल्य
  • 10, जैक, रानी, राजा = 0

खेल शुरू होने पर, प्रत्येक खिलाड़ी को दो कार्ड दिए जाते हैं। प्लेयर और बैंकर के हाथों का कुल मूल्य जोड़ा जाता है। यदि किसी हाथ का कुल मूल्य 10 से अधिक है, तो 10 घटाया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपके पास 8 और 9 है, तो आपका कुल मूल्य 17 है, लेकिन 10 घटाने के बाद यह 7 हो जाता है।

खिलाड़ी बैंकर, प्लेयर या टाई पर दांव लगा सकता है। यदि आपका दांव जीतता है, तो आप अपनी मूल दांव राशि के साथ भुगतान प्राप्त करेंगे।

यदि आपके पास 8 या 9 का कुल मूल्य है, तो यह एक "नैचुरल" है और आप तुरंत जीत जाते हैं। यदि बैंकर और प्लेयर दोनों के पास 8 या 9 का कुल मूल्य है, तो यह एक टाई है।

यदि कोई भी हाथ 8 या 9 का कुल मूल्य नहीं है, तो तीसरा कार्ड खींचा जा सकता है। तीसरे कार्ड खींचने के नियम जटिल हो सकते हैं, लेकिन वे बैंकर और प्लेयर के हाथों के मूल्य पर निर्भर करते हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के लाभ

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा पारंपरिक बॅकारा के कई लाभ प्रदान करता है:

  1. गोपनीयता: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन गुमनाम होते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि आपकी पहचान और वित्तीय जानकारी सुरक्षित रहती है।
  2. तेज लेनदेन: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन पारंपरिक बैंक हस्तांतरणों की तुलना में बहुत तेज़ होते हैं।
  3. कम शुल्क: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन में पारंपरिक भुगतान विधियों की तुलना में कम शुल्क लगता है।
  4. वैश्विक पहुंच: आप दुनिया भर के किसी भी बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो में खेल सकते हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के जोखिम

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा में कुछ जोखिम भी शामिल हैं:

  1. उत्‍तराधिकारिता: बिटकॉइन की कीमत अस्थिर हो सकती है, जिसका अर्थ है कि आपका जमा कम हो सकता है यदि बिटकॉइन की कीमत गिरती है।
  2. सुरक्षा जोखिम: बिटकॉइन वॉलेट हैक किए जा सकते हैं, इसलिए यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप अपने बिटकॉइन को सुरक्षित रूप से संग्रहीत करें।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा खेलने के लिए टिप्स

यहां बिटकॉइन बॅकारा खेलने के लिए कुछ टिप्स दिए गए हैं:

  • बैंकर पर दांव लगाएं: बैंकर दांव जीतने की संभावना अधिक होती है।
  • बजट निर्धारित करें: केवल उतना ही पैसा खर्च करें जितना आप खोने को तैयार हैं।
  • जानकारी प्राप्त करें: बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के नियमों और रणनीतियों के बारे में जानें।
  • विश्वसनीय कैसीनो चुनें: केवल प्रतिष्ठित और लाइसेंस प्राप्त बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कैसीनो में खेलें।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा: सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता का एक नया युग

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के उदय ने ऑनलाइन जुआ के परिदृश्य में क्रांति ला दी है। पारंपरिक ऑनलाइन कैसीनो की तुलना में, बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कई लाभ प्रदान करता है, जिसमें तेज लेनदेन, कम शुल्क और बढ़ी हुई गोपनीयता शामिल है।

हालांकि, सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता हमेशा ऑनलाइन जुआ में प्रमुख चिंताएँ रही हैं। बिटकॉइन बॅकारा प्लेटफॉर्म के साथ, ये चिंताएँ और भी अधिक प्रासंगिक हो जाती हैं क्योंकि डिजिटल मुद्राओं की अस्थिर प्रकृति और ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक की जटिलता को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा: सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता का विश्लेषण

इस लेख में, हमने बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता पहलुओं का गहन विश्लेषण किया है। हमने निम्नलिखित प्रमुख निष्कर्ष निकाले हैं:

  • ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक: बिटकॉइन बॅकारा प्लेटफॉर्म ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक का उपयोग करते हैं, जो लेनदेन को सुरक्षित और अपरिवर्तनीय बनाता है।
  • निजता: बिटकॉइन लेनदेन छद्म नामों का उपयोग करते हैं, जिससे खिलाड़ियों की पहचान गोपनीय रहती है।
  • डिसेंट्रलाइजेशन: बिटकॉइन बॅकारा प्लेटफॉर्म विकेंद्रीकृत होते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि कोई भी केंद्रीय प्राधिकरण उन्हें नियंत्रित नहीं कर सकता है।
  • सुरक्षा उपाय: प्रतिष्ठित बिटकॉइन बॅकारा प्लेटफॉर्म मजबूत सुरक्षा उपायों को लागू करते हैं, जैसे दो-कारक प्रमाणीकरण और एन्क्रिप्शन।

हालाँकि बिटकॉइन बॅकारा कई सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता लाभ प्रदान करता है, लेकिन खिलाड़ियों को सावधान रहना चाहिए और केवल प्रतिष्ठित और विनियमित प्लेटफॉर्म का उपयोग करना चाहिए।

बिटकॉइन बॅकारा के भविष्य के लिए, सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता सर्वोपरि महत्व की होगी। जैसे-जैसे यह उद्योग विकसित होता है, हमें और अधिक उन्नत सुरक्षा उपायों और गोपनीयता-संबंधी प्रोटोकॉल देखने की उम्मीद है।


बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो क्या है?

बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो एक ऑनलाइन कैसीनो है जहाँ आप बिटकॉइन का उपयोग करके बॅकार्ट खेल सकते हैं। यह पारंपरिक ऑनलाइन कैसीनो से अलग है क्योंकि यह क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का उपयोग करता है, जो तेज़ लेनदेन, गोपनीयता और सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है।

क्या बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो में सुरक्षित रूप से खेलना संभव है?

हाँ, बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो में सुरक्षित रूप से खेलना संभव है। विश्वसनीय कैसीनो में उन्नत सुरक्षा उपाय होते हैं जैसे कि SSL एन्क्रिप्शन और दो-कारक प्रमाणीकरण जो आपके निजी और वित्तीय डेटा की सुरक्षा करते हैं।

बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो में खेलने के लिए मुझे कैसे पंजीकरण करना चाहिए?

बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो में पंजीकरण करना आसान है। आपको बस वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा और "साइन अप" बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा। आपको अपना ईमेल पता, एक मजबूत पासवर्ड और कुछ अन्य व्यक्तिगत जानकारी प्रदान करनी होगी। पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया पूरी होने के बाद, आप बिटकॉइन जमा कर सकते हैं और खेलना शुरू कर सकते हैं।

क्या बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो में बोनस और प्रमोशन हैं?

हाँ, कई बिटकॉइन बॅकार्ट कैसीनो नए और मौजूदा खिलाड़ियों के लिए आकर्षक बोनस और प्रमोशन प्रदान करते हैं। इनमें वेलकम बोनस, रिचार्ज बोनस, कैशबैक और मुफ्त स्पिन शामिल हो सकते हैं। बोनस और प्रमोशन की शर्तों और शर्तों को हमेशा ध्यान से पढ़ें।

Dịch vụ chu đáo, nhân viên nhiệt tình, không gian đẹp, thư giãn . Mình dùng 1 facial 1 body , cảm thấy thoải mái ngủ ngon hơn , sẽ quay lại lần sau .
Response from the owner:Dear phuongloan tranthi, Cám ơn Quý khách hàng đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm gần đây của mình tại La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! L'Apothiquaire cám ơn Quý khách hàng đã dành lời khen cho các liệu pháp thư giãn và chăm sóc sức khỏe, không gian spa và đội ngũ nhân viên của L'Apothiquaire spa. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire rất mong sẽ tiếp tục có cơ hội đón tiếp Quý khách hàng và gia đình quay lại sử dụng dịch vụ và trải nghiệm không gian của spa trong tương lai. Chúc Quý khách hàng ngày mới nhiều niềm vui và sức khỏe. Trân trọng, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Great service and my family enjoyed it a lot!
Response from the owner:Dear Noky Wong, Thank you for sharing your experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you and your family had such a great experience at our spa and that everyone had a great time. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again one day soon! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
I absolutely adore this SPA! It is the best in town. The line and variety of products are amazing and the staff, service, treatments are top! I have been to so many SPAs and massages in HCMC but this is the place where I always wants to return. Very clean and higienic. Highly recommended!
Response from the owner:Dear Ryoko Drake, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
This is by far the best spa I’ve ever been to! Thanh Thanh was my massage technician, and she was incredibly meticulous in her work. I have absolutely no complaints and will definitely return whenever I visit HCMC.
My man booked the couple’s delight package for my birthday. It was magnificent, we came around 1pm and finished just after 6, it included foot message, body oil message, food and facial treatment, we had beautiful half day here. After all these treatments I feel so relax and refreshed. Highly recommended.
Response from the owner:Dear Yakira Cang, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you and your husband had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for choosing us and our services on your special occasion. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Absolutely wonderful treatment. Minh Thu was simply amazing. I’ve had many facials but this was sublime - feel like I look 10 years younger!
Response from the owner:Dear Henny Flynn, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. We are especially pleased to know that Minh Thu made such a positive impact on your experience. We will be sure to share your kind words with her and the entire team. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Good service, good product, very nice view of architectural design
This is my first time for Venetian and massage here is so amazing, really relaxing, if you're looking for a massage shop I recommend you here!!!
Response from the owner:Dear Kochakorn Thaurnsuriya, Thank you for sharing your recent experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Enjoy your trip in Vietnam :) Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Chốn yên bình giữa Sài Gòn xô bồ. Spa trong căn biệt thự cổ, nhìn thích liền. Nhân viên dễ thương, hướng dẫn tận tình.

Massage có tay nghề, thư giãn, có kỹ thuật, chú tâm quan sát. Có cả xông hơi, sauna, hồ bơi thoải mái vô cùng.

Xong một liệu trình mình thường ở lại để thư giãn bên hồ bơi. Quá chill. Nhất định quay lại!
A little hidden gem in the middle of busy Saigon. The spa is in a lovely old villa, super cozy. Simply, great. Staff were friendly, explained things well.

Massage was amazing, so relaxing. Therapists knew what they were doing. There’s also a steam room, sauna, and a nice pool. Such a chill spot. Would totally come back!
Asked for the soin excellence facial cleaning. Very good service. I recommend it.
Response from the owner:Dear Masterryuki777, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at Le Boudoir de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Very goooood
Response from the owner:Dear nahoko koshiyama, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
The service here at L’apothiquaire is phenomenal, the lady was incredibly nice and insanely knowledgeable, it almost seems as if she knew every product by heart . You can tell that she truly cared about making the customer feel at ease. The selection of product was excellent as well, especially if you’re a perfume enthusiast (they even sold tea too, did you know that??)
Response from the owner:Dear Alexis Tran, Thank you for sharing your experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our services and our staffs exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Have a lovely day ahead! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Excellent service
Response from the owner:Dear Turner Chan, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Great experience in this Spa located in a beautiful house. We had a warm welcome and the massage was great (we had the 95min massage). I recommend 100%
Very clean and nice! One of the best massages I have had. I always come here when in Saigon.
Response from the owner:Dear anh duong, Thank you for sharing your experience at Le Boudoir de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Massage tại đây giúp xua tan mọi mệt mỏi và căng thẳng trong cuộc sống.
Response from the owner:Dear Men Nguyen, Cám ơn Quý khách hàng đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm gần đây của mình tại L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Đồng Khởi! L'Apothiquaire cám ơn Quý khách hàng đã dành lời khen cho các liệu pháp thư giãn và chăm sóc sức khỏe của L'Apothiquaire chi nhánh Đồng Khởi. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire rất mong sẽ tiếp tục có cơ hội đón tiếp Quý khách hàng và gia đình quay lại sử dụng dịch vụ và trải nghiệm không gian của spa trong tương lai. Chúc Quý khách hàng ngày mới nhiều niềm vui và sức khỏe. Trân trọng, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
I don’t think any place can top L’Apothiquaire for massages. My family comes here every month to pamper ourselves, and it’s worth every penny!
Best experience ever!! Emily and staff are just amazing!
Response from the owner:Dear Karin Tompkins, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our services and staffs exceeded your expectations. We are especially pleased to know that Emily and the Team made such a positive impact on your experience. We will be sure to share your kind words with the entire team. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
This spa feels like a secret escape in the heart of Saigon. Tucked inside a beautiful French architectural building in District 3, it’s peaceful, nostalgic, and so well-kept. The moment I stepped in, the soft purple hues and calming atmosphere made me feel instantly at ease. I had a facial treatment, and it was so soothing that I fell asleep right away—waking up with a fresh face and a clear mind. Everything about this place feels intentional, from the cleanliness to the thoughtful details that make it a true retreat. The staffs were so nice and professional. And the best part? I could also take a swim and enjoy the sauna, making it the perfect little getaway without leaving the city. Already dreaming of my next visit
I've been a regular customer for years, and with each visit, I love this place even more—the services, the people, and the products are all exceptional. I always encourage my friends to visit L'Apothiquaire because it truly deserves more recognition.

Response from the owner:Dear 阿部美月, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our Haute Couture spa package exceeded your expectations. It is our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly and we look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
I had the most incredible day here! The staff were amazing, treatments superb and menu delicious!
Response from the owner:Dear Sharna, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our services and staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Very friendly. Relaxing atmosphere. Treatments excellent.
Response from the owner:Dear joanne lee, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our prime location and you had such a great experience with our services and the staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Wonderful experience and environment.
Came here for a massage with my mom and it was so good. I came in a little bit stressed and left feeling very relaxed. They offer you tea before and after your massage. The staff were friendly, professional, and very helpful. Would come here again and again!
Response from the owner:Dear Helen Nguyen, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service and staffs exceeded your expectations. We will be sure to share your kind words with the entire team. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Booked only that day for a few hours of treatments whilst my friends shopped. Beautiful spa and wonderful service. The treatments were great. Go early and use the pool or sauna
It was an unbelievably pampering experience from start to finish. We are now spoiled for all other spas and the price in USD was very reasonable for such a luxe experience.
Response from the owner:Dear kate lubenesky, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our services exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Từ Hà Nội vô vũng Tàu. Đang mệt mỏi , đến cơ sờ và đặc biệt dc bạn kỹ thuật viên tên Phụng thực hiện bài đấm lưng , trên cả tuyệt vời và thật sự tuyệt vời.
There is a variety of SPA services and products, the staff is very attentive and do their job very well! It is certainly worth it to pay a bit more and get the best service that money can buy in Saigon.
Response from the owner:Dear Angelo, Thank you for having taken the time to review your recent experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Trải nghiệm tuyệt vời sau khi ghé Spa, không gian sang trọng yên tĩnh, dịch vụ tốt, nhân viên tiếp đón lịch sự chuyên nghiệp
My nephew recommended this place for a massage, and I’m so glad I took his advice! This is hands down the best massage in town—truly the best of the best. I’ll definitely be back when I visit Saigon! Oh, I had Cam Quyen for my body massage, book her. She is the best!!
Outstanding treatments, soothing ambiance, wonderful staff and delicious food. Oasis.
Response from the owner:Dear leanne smith, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our services, atmosphere, food menu and staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
The service was great! And the facilities are very clean and comfortable.
Response from the owner:Dear Elizabeth Scharf, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Have a lovely day ahead! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
The most incredible massage I’ve ever had!!! The surroundings are first class and everyone there is amazing.
Response from the owner:Dear Brian Maas, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our prime location and you had such a great experience with our services and the staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Came here for a massage, body treatment, foot scraping, hand and feet paraffin, and mani and pedi. My favourite is definitely the massage and foot scraping. The masseuse was skillful (excellent pressure and techniques). I was very relaxed. Foot scraping definitely scraped off a lot of dead skin 😅 happy with how effective it was. Although the body treatment was relaxing, it was very difficult to shower. The shower head had a very weak pressure which made it annoying to use. Overall good spa!
Response from the owner:Dear Ren Hamada, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. Regarding the shower, we deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Required action from concerned department has been carried out to ensure smooth rectification. Rest assured that our Management stays committed in providing high standards in our products and services. Once again, thank you for your feedback and please feel free to let us know should you have any other concerns. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
A beautiful colonial house where we had the foot pressure treatment very well done. People are very friendly, the ambiance is calm and quiet. Very good place.
Response from the owner:Dear Laurence Rapin, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our prime location and our treatment services at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Es war ein wunderschöner Erlebnis wieder mal eine relaxing Massage 👍🥰 einfach das beste in einem so schonen Ambiente in französischer Stil mit duftigen Aromen ❤️❤️ wir werden wieder kommen
Very relaxing!
Such an amazing place! As someone with sensitive skin, this is my favorite place in HCMC to get a facial treatment. Extremely sanitary, beautiful environment, and incredibly friendly staff. Cannot recommend it enough!
Response from the owner:Dear Amanda Boss, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our prime location and service exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly and we look forward to welcoming you back again. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Amazing experience excellent treatments and value for money. Will definitely be back and a great gift for someone special :)
Response from the owner:Dear susanne collin, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience with our services and found it value for money. It is our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
I was recommended this spa by a friend who lived Ho Chi Minh and it didn’t disappoint. The surroundings are beautiful and the staff are so friendly and helpful.
I booked a half day relaxation for myself, my sister and my mum as a treat and we all left relaxed and happy and wishing we could visit again.
Really pleasant experience here. Pricing is a little on the high side though.
Suzy and Maria gave me the best attention - service ever. I enjoyed my facial treatment and felt like a queen since arrived until I left , they are so professional and lovely👸 😌loved it ❤️ 100% recommended 👌.
Response from the owner:Dear ANA PASTOR, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. We are especially pleased to know that Suzy and Maria made such a positive impact on your experience. We will be sure to share your kind words with them and the entire team. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
dịch vụ tốt, nhân viên nhiệt tình chu đáo
ambiente piccolo e austero, negozio di profumi ricercati e Spa annesso dove ho fatto un trattamento. Personale gentile, accogliente. Prezzi decisamente alti ed ingiustificati
Response from the owner:Dear Appuntiegiudizi, Thank you for your patronage and for taking the time to write us a review. We are very sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy our Le Boudoir de L’Apothiquaire location in the heart of Ho Chi Minh city. Le Boudoir de L’Apothiquaire is housed in a French townhouse of over 150 years. The house is very long and narrow so there are certain limitations to the designs of our treatment rooms. If you are still in Ho Chi Minh City, may we invite you to visit our flagship location, La Maison de L’Apothiquaire – a villa designed by revered Vietnamese architect Mr. Ngo Viet Thu (awarded Grand Prix de Rome in 1955 – source Wikipedia). Mr. Ngo Viet Thu designed the historic Reunification Palace. La Maison de L’Apothiquaire is spacious with a tropical garden and swimming pool. It is located at the end of a cul-de-sac of only two houses. La Maison de l’Apothiquaire is only 2.8km from our Le Boudoir de L’Apothiquaire location. We hope to welcome you. Best regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
The best place in Ho Chi Minh.The place is very charming, the treatments are perfects, the staff are very nice.
Hihghly recommended.
Response from the owner:Dear Dj.Solange Paris, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our prime location and our treatment services at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Excellent massage relaxing atmosphere, would highly recommend !
Response from the owner:Dear Annie, Thank you for sharing your experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Had a facial and eye treatment and it was amazing. Fell asleep many times during it and my skin looks amazing!
Response from the owner:Dear Bella Nicolaou, Thank you for sharing your recent experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Have a lovely day ahead! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Really great treatment for a reasonable price. Everyone there was so kind, and most of the staff spoke English so it was easy to communicate.
Response from the owner:Dear Mia Pinto, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Fantastic massage and total pampering treatment!
Response from the owner:Dear Fel Wang, Thank you for sharing your experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again one day soon! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Không gian sạch sẽ, có thể đỗ xe máy, nhân viên nhiệt tình, mình đến mua quà tặng được các bạn đóng bịch riêng
Response from the owner:Dear phuongloan tranthi, Cám ơn chị đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm gần đây của chị tại L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Đồng Khởi! L'Apothiquaire cám ơn chị đã dành lời khen cho không gian và đội ngũ nhân viên nhiệt tình của L'Apothiquaire chi nhánh Đồng Khởi. Team rất mong sẽ tiếp tục có cơ hội đón tiếp chị và gia đình đến sử dụng dịch vụ và trải nghiệm không gian của spa trong tương lai. Chúc chị ngày mới nhiều niềm vui và sức khỏe. Trân trọng, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Absolutely fantastic
A bit pricey but good service
It was an amazing experience a la Maison de l‘apothiquaire! The ambience and atmosphere was so calming and relaxing and the people working there were really kind and friendly. They were so helpful and offered us tea right at the beginning.
The massage was really good, so skilled and the oils smell really good and soften the skin.
What made the experience incomparable was the beautiful location.
Response from the owner:Dear Orélyn Thaler, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our prime location, products & services, atmosphere and staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Best spa in Ho Chi Minh
House of spa they have own product.
Unbelievable experience; highly recommend a visit. La Maison's staff will exceed your expectations.
Response from the owner:Dear Lisa Haptonstall, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service and staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Had a hydrating facial just before my 13 hour flight and it was nice and relaxing. Would certainly recommend if you’re looking for some extra wellness treatment. My skin condition is good, not sure how the service is when you have serious skin problems you want to take care of.

Bought some products as well.
Their aftersale service is great!!!

Good service!
Response from the owner:Dear sandhya badal, Thank you for choosing us and our services before your long flight back home, and for having taken the time to review your overall experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Best spa in the city
Beautiful place, relaxing atmosphere and friendly staff! From the moment we stepped in staff greeted us! We opted for the half day of relaxation package & it was the best! Would definitely come back here in the future! June was very thoughtful and organised wine for us to celebrate my friends small bachelorette party. Thanks to all the staff! You pay for what it’s worth 💕
Response from the owner:Dear Shumina Sunglao, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our prime location, atmosphere, services and staffs exceeded your expectations. We are especially pleased to know that June and the Team made such a positive impact on your experience. We will be sure to share your kind words with the entire team. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Delighted by the service of this beautiful spa salon. Employees are wonderful and the overall atmosphere is wonderful: it looks so cozy and smells charming. Recommending this place to all visitors of Hochimin
Response from the owner:Dear Evgen Kudriashov, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our prime location and you had such a great experience with our services and the staffs exceeded your expectations. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Nhân viên rất thân thiện, thái độ phục vụ khiến mình cảm thấy rất được trân trọng.
Response from the owner:Xin chào Nguyên Lê, L'Apothiquaire cám ơn Quý khách đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm của mình tại spa cùng chúng tôi. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire rất mong được đón tiếp Quý khách quay lại sử dụng dịch vụ trong tương lai. Chúc Quý khách năm mới nhiều sức khỏe, niềm vui và hạnh phúc. Cám ơn Quý khách. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire
Response from the owner:Dear 岩佐百々花, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience with our services and the staffs exceeded your expectations. It is our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
A definite must on your HCMC itinerary—perfect way to shake your jet lag. I highly recommend the Half Day Relaxation package that includes hotel pickup and lunch. The therapists are excellent and the facility is gorgeous. They offer private treatment rooms and have a beautiful pool. You can book online and they have staff that speaks English. What a find! Incredible value.
Response from the owner:Dear Stacey, Thank you for sharing your experience at La Maison de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our prime location, facilities and our treatment services at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Absolutely fantastic
Massage tại đây giúp xua tan mọi mệt mỏi và căng thẳng trong cuộc sống.
Response from the owner:Dear Men Nguyen, Cám ơn Quý khách hàng đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm gần đây của mình tại L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Đồng Khởi! L'Apothiquaire cám ơn Quý khách hàng đã dành lời khen cho các liệu pháp thư giãn và chăm sóc sức khỏe của L'Apothiquaire chi nhánh Đồng Khởi. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire rất mong sẽ tiếp tục có cơ hội đón tiếp Quý khách hàng và gia đình quay lại sử dụng dịch vụ và trải nghiệm không gian của spa trong tương lai. Chúc Quý khách hàng ngày mới nhiều niềm vui và sức khỏe. Trân trọng, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Had a facial and eye treatment and it was amazing. Fell asleep many times during it and my skin looks amazing!
Response from the owner:Dear Bella Nicolaou, Thank you for sharing your recent experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Have a lovely day ahead! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Really pleasant experience here. Pricing is a little on the high side though.
Không gian sạch sẽ, có thể đỗ xe máy, nhân viên nhiệt tình, mình đến mua quà tặng được các bạn đóng bịch riêng
Response from the owner:Dear phuongloan tranthi, Cám ơn chị đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm gần đây của chị tại L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Đồng Khởi! L'Apothiquaire cám ơn chị đã dành lời khen cho không gian và đội ngũ nhân viên nhiệt tình của L'Apothiquaire chi nhánh Đồng Khởi. Team rất mong sẽ tiếp tục có cơ hội đón tiếp chị và gia đình đến sử dụng dịch vụ và trải nghiệm không gian của spa trong tương lai. Chúc chị ngày mới nhiều niềm vui và sức khỏe. Trân trọng, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
The service here at L’apothiquaire is phenomenal, the lady was incredibly nice and insanely knowledgeable, it almost seems as if she knew every product by heart . You can tell that she truly cared about making the customer feel at ease. The selection of product was excellent as well, especially if you’re a perfume enthusiast (they even sold tea too, did you know that??)
Response from the owner:Dear Alexis Tran, Thank you for sharing your experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our services and our staffs exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Have a lovely day ahead! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
The service was great! And the facilities are very clean and comfortable.
Response from the owner:Dear Elizabeth Scharf, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Have a lovely day ahead! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Asked for the soin excellence facial cleaning. Very good service. I recommend it.
Response from the owner:Dear Masterryuki777, Thank you for sharing your recent experience at Le Boudoir de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
Very clean and nice! One of the best massages I have had. I always come here when in Saigon.
Response from the owner:Dear anh duong, Thank you for sharing your experience at Le Boudoir de L'Apothiquaire! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our service exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you for recommending us so highly, and we can’t wait to welcome you back in the future. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa Management Team
ambiente piccolo e austero, negozio di profumi ricercati e Spa annesso dove ho fatto un trattamento. Personale gentile, accogliente. Prezzi decisamente alti ed ingiustificati
Response from the owner:Dear Appuntiegiudizi, Thank you for your patronage and for taking the time to write us a review. We are very sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy our Le Boudoir de L’Apothiquaire location in the heart of Ho Chi Minh city. Le Boudoir de L’Apothiquaire is housed in a French townhouse of over 150 years. The house is very long and narrow so there are certain limitations to the designs of our treatment rooms. If you are still in Ho Chi Minh City, may we invite you to visit our flagship location, La Maison de L’Apothiquaire – a villa designed by revered Vietnamese architect Mr. Ngo Viet Thu (awarded Grand Prix de Rome in 1955 – source Wikipedia). Mr. Ngo Viet Thu designed the historic Reunification Palace. La Maison de L’Apothiquaire is spacious with a tropical garden and swimming pool. It is located at the end of a cul-de-sac of only two houses. La Maison de l’Apothiquaire is only 2.8km from our Le Boudoir de L’Apothiquaire location. We hope to welcome you. Best regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
A bit pricey but good service
Had a hydrating facial just before my 13 hour flight and it was nice and relaxing. Would certainly recommend if you’re looking for some extra wellness treatment. My skin condition is good, not sure how the service is when you have serious skin problems you want to take care of.

Bought some products as well.
Their aftersale service is great!!!

Good service!
Response from the owner:Dear sandhya badal, Thank you for choosing us and our services before your long flight back home, and for having taken the time to review your overall experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Excellent massage relaxing atmosphere, would highly recommend !
Response from the owner:Dear Annie, Thank you for sharing your experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again. Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
This is my first time for Venetian and massage here is so amazing, really relaxing, if you're looking for a massage shop I recommend you here!!!
Response from the owner:Dear Kochakorn Thaurnsuriya, Thank you for sharing your recent experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again soon. Enjoy your trip in Vietnam :) Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Nhân viên rất thân thiện, thái độ phục vụ khiến mình cảm thấy rất được trân trọng.
Response from the owner:Xin chào Nguyên Lê, L'Apothiquaire cám ơn Quý khách đã chia sẻ trải nghiệm của mình tại spa cùng chúng tôi. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire rất mong được đón tiếp Quý khách quay lại sử dụng dịch vụ trong tương lai. Chúc Quý khách năm mới nhiều sức khỏe, niềm vui và hạnh phúc. Cám ơn Quý khách. Đội ngũ L'Apothiquaire
Fantastic massage and total pampering treatment!
Response from the owner:Dear Fel Wang, Thank you for sharing your experience a L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you had such a great experience at our spa and that our treatment services exceeded your expectations. Your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again one day soon! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Great service and my family enjoyed it a lot!
Response from the owner:Dear Noky Wong, Thank you for sharing your experience at L'Apothiquaire French Day Spa! We’re thrilled to hear that you and your family had such a great experience at our spa and that everyone had a great time. It’s our goal to make every guest feel welcomed and well taken care of, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We look forward to hopefully welcoming you back again one day soon! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
I absolutely adore this SPA! It is the best in town. The line and variety of products are amazing and the staff, service, treatments are top! I have been to so many SPAs and massages in HCMC but this is the place where I always wants to return. Very clean and higienic. Highly recommended!
Response from the owner:Dear Ryoko Drake, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Came here for a massage, body treatment, foot scraping, hand and feet paraffin, and mani and pedi. My favourite is definitely the massage and foot scraping. The masseuse was skillful (excellent pressure and techniques). I was very relaxed. Foot scraping definitely scraped off a lot of dead skin 😅 happy with how effective it was. Although the body treatment was relaxing, it was very difficult to shower. The shower head had a very weak pressure which made it annoying to use. Overall good spa!
Response from the owner:Dear Ren Hamada, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. Regarding the shower, we deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Required action from concerned department has been carried out to ensure smooth rectification. Rest assured that our Management stays committed in providing high standards in our products and services. Once again, thank you for your feedback and please feel free to let us know should you have any other concerns. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Very goooood
Response from the owner:Dear nahoko koshiyama, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Excellent service
Response from the owner:Dear Turner Chan, Thank you for having taken the time to review your experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
dịch vụ tốt, nhân viên nhiệt tình chu đáo
There is a variety of SPA services and products, the staff is very attentive and do their job very well! It is certainly worth it to pay a bit more and get the best service that money can buy in Saigon.
Response from the owner:Dear Angelo, Thank you for having taken the time to review your recent experience at our spa. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our guests through our treatment skills and organic, authentic products - and your kind compliments will certainly be conveyed to the team. They will be very encouraged by your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future! Warm regards, L'Apothiquaire Management Team
Từ Hà Nội vô vũng Tàu. Đang mệt mỏi , đến cơ sờ và đặc biệt dc bạn kỹ thuật viên tên Phụng thực hiện bài đấm lưng , trên cả tuyệt vời và thật sự tuyệt vời.
House of spa they have own product.